📂 Sagar Vadnere's Portfolio
cat aboutme.mdâ–ˆ
Hi 👋, I am Sagar Vadnere,
A Software Engineer with 8.5+ years of experience specializing in Web Development, JavaScript, and React. Started with solving problems and being everyone's go-to guy for technology-related issues in school and college. Today so far nothing much has changed. I am still the first point of contact for technical difficulties.
Along with that, I write code to build Scalable, Robust, and Secure Websites. I also like to solve production bugs with high severity. Recently, I have been helping clients to fix technical SEO issues to improve page speed insights scores and overall website performance.
I write scripts in Python to automate any manual work for me or my colleagues. I have also had some experience in hardening web servers and penetration testing for websites. I have always been an enthusiast for Cyber Security, and Open Source technologies.
I am always passionate about giving more to the community, and sharing knowledge has always motivated me. I am curious about how technology is changing the world.